Yellow Star
Yellow Star

How to Care for Your Leather Bags

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Yellow Star

Clean it

To maintain the quality and style of the leather bag, clean it with a soft cloth. Don't let dirt or dust sit on the bag; keep it in a secure place.

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Yellow Star

Leather conditioner

If you don't want your leather bags to become flaky or damaged, apply quality leader condition with no harmful chemicals. This will keep the moisture required to moisturize your leather bag and prevent cracking.

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Yellow Star


The storage method is often used when it comes to leather bags. Make sure where you store your bag is dry and spacious.

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Yellow Star

Sun Protection

Leather bags can be damaged by regular exposure to sunlight. So, it's better to avoid using your leather bag too much during the day.

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Yellow Star

Avoid water

For leather bags, avoiding moisture from water is a big no. So, if somehow your leather bag gets wet, then dry it out properly with a soft, dry cloth and then air dry it.

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Yellow Star


It's better to stuff your leather bag with cloth or paper if you are not using it. Leather bags easily get wrinkled, and stuffing will help maintain the shape and structure of the bags even when you are not using them.

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Yellow Star

Limited care

Now, to take care of your bag, don't overstuff or use too much leather moisturizer. Too much stuffing can damage the leather.

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Yellow Star


Never use perfume to make your leather bag smell good. Also, ensure that no hair or makeup fixing spray ever comes near your leather bag.