Deepika Padukone wears multiple stylish bags as an actress, but she has been seen using mostly Louis Vuitton handbags, Chanel bags, etc. Alia Bhatt and Sonam Kapoor have also used these Chanel bags.
Deepika Padukone wears multiple stylish bags as an actress, but she has been seen using mostly Louis Vuitton handbags, Chanel bags, etc. Alia Bhatt and Sonam Kapoor have also used these Chanel bags.
Birkin bags are always so severely high in demand that people wait to purchase them. So, this symbol of luxury has been used by Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Shilpa Shetty, and Kareena Kapoor Khan.
Gucci has been famous among celebrities for so many years. Celebrities like Anushka Sharma, Jacqueline Fernandez, and others use Gucci bags to take advantage of the glamorous look.
Tote bags are currently trending, and so many people are purchasing them because of their luxurious look and versatile designs. Also, celebrities like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Jhanvi Kapoor use Louis Vuitton bags.
Celebrities like Karishma Kapoor, Kangana Ranaut, etc, have been spotted using SL bags. Being a luxury brand bag, Saint Laurent's bags collection is preferred by many people. Among them, Sac de Jour is highly recommended.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and many other celebrities use Prada bags regularly. Currently, the Prada leather tote bag is highly famous.
Among the celebrities, due to the iconic design of Balenciaga, there is always some style changing happening. The city bag is trending, and Vaani Kapoor has been spotted using it.
Actress Kriti Sanon and Priyanka Chopra Jonas have been seen using Fendi bags. Not only that, Sushmita Sen and Deepika Padukone use the Fendi Tote bag as well.
There are many Bottega Bag designs available; hence, utilizing the small size and design, Kiara Advani Mallika Arora and Shanaya Kapoor have been spotted flaunting their Bottega Mini Jodie bag.